What Causes Lack Of Motivation

Sometimes the circumstances we come across in our lives such as heart break, fear of failure, low self esteem, getting laid off, losing a loved one, shyness, lack of support, loneliness, abuse, stress and laziness. Can cause having the lack of motivation to do things. This often creates unhappiness, indifference, and dissatisfaction. When we develop these habits in ourselves it shows. Because you'll begin to adopt a negative attitude that you start to carry around throughout your life. You'll began to carry this negative energy with you that's inside of you that can somehow effect everyone else around you. Your attitude & the way you see yourself is one of the most important things in our lives. So developing this behavior can cause low self esteem in self , lack of confidence, lack of drive, When you choose to carry around this behavior it can alter the rest of your path in life, hold you back & also block you from possible opportunities. S...