What Causes Lack Of Motivation

Sometimes the circumstances we come across in our lives such as heart break, fear of failure, low self esteem, getting laid off, losing a loved one, shyness, lack of support, loneliness, abuse, stress and laziness. Can cause having the lack of motivation to do things. This often creates unhappiness, indifference, and dissatisfaction. When we develop these habits in ourselves it shows. Because you'll begin to adopt a negative attitude that you start to carry around throughout your life. You'll began to carry this negative energy with you that's inside of you that can somehow effect everyone else around you. Your attitude & the way you see yourself is one of the most important things in our lives. So developing this behavior can cause low self esteem in self , lack of confidence, lack of drive, When you choose to carry around this behavior it can alter the rest of your path in life, hold you back & also block you from possible opportunities. Sometimes the things we feed our mind can effect us, Our minds and our tongue is two very powerful tools. Thoughts and the things we speak about becomes things. What we put out in the universe it comes back to us.
However the above reasons are only excuses for not acting. Eventually you learn to overcome and disregard them. The first step in getting ahead is taking responsibility, acknowledging them, and understanding that you can change the curriculum of your mind. Keeping in mind that no matter what it is you go through in life, no matter what circumstance you run into, how many detours alter your plans you must keep going forward. When you can take responsibility for things and adopt a better positive attitude. You began to build self esteem within yourself and having self esteem causes drive & motivation to do things for yourself. When you change the way you look at things the things you look at change. So every negative thought in your mind is replaced with positivity, happiness, enthusiasm, confidence and motivation. Start writing down things on what you can do to stay motivated, what keeps you happy and going. Your passion in life, how to sustain motivation & what to do when you lose interest after awhile or when life hands us lemons. There is always a plan b, there will always be things that might get In the way of our goals, we will always be tested, it is always going to be detours. We might even get lazy sometimes and procrastinate. But long as you keep that faith, great attitude, drive, consistency and confidence instilled in you. You will always have your head about everything no matter what happens because you learn strong willpower and self- discipline. Doing what you know needs to be done even when you don't want to. Those two skills are most useful when carrying out decisions and task, when you need to take action, and when dealing with most of life's situations.
I want to say thank you for these words and motivation. reading this really made me have hope and understanding to never give up. reading this made me feel like i am not the only one and even sometimes the best of us lose motivation its how you pick yourself back up thank you for inspiring me.
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