You Cant Force Things To Be The Way You Want Them

I notice that the main thing that I find myself coming across on social media is memes of desperately wanting love ,loyalty, material things , lifestyles, happiness etc. And nothing is wrong with wanting any of that its just the way people want things and how they want it . I see so many love post daily , that's the main thing everyone want in life. Everyone want loyalty thing is with this everyone want it in the wrong fashion and wrong way . Everyone want these things for the wrong things . You want a man or woman  to commit or be loyal but you want it in a possessive, demonic ,controlled way. We all speak from experience and I can honestly say  when we try to force things the way we want in a demanding way, It will have the one you are dating second guess your entire character and the way they picture how things will be with you. People are afraid to commit because when they fall in love with the person they first met as friends they both choose to potentially make an attempt at having a relationship. People get into things and they change they somehow forget to still be that same person they were in the beginning as friends then when they are in a relationship. They start to adapt a controlled mentality ,possessiveness ,demonic I own you behavior. And they don't understand that scares a person wanting to commit because when you lose that friend you met you lose wanting to be more . And you back away not really giving your all in trying to commit . When you don't allow a person to want to commit freely of the will of themselves and you try to force it in a demonic way, it will not be. It will question am I with SATAN or GOD and that's not love, Because love does not force love happens freely. You cant make a person feel free with you or loved that way. When you want love in a ownership , possessive way you don't realize you're actions will effect in a way where it will come off demonic and negative .  Wanting to control a man or woman will not get them to change or be the way you want them. People change when they want and how they have to based off of the circumstances , trials and the levels they reach in life that may force them to change or change due to certain situations in life that they may want to change .Force isn't love or genuine we have to learn to let things happen in life freely .When you want things you have to want it in a true loving accepting way for whomever you choose to be with , And not in way where you feel anyone owe you the things you want ,you owe the things you want to self first. Just as well as you seek love from others . Seek love from self it is the main place we should search, is deep within ourselves . We must get all of these things from ourselves before we try to get it from another . When we first learn to accept the flaws in ourselves it makes it easy to accept a person for who they are.  You cant beg a person to love you ,to be faithful, to commit or to treat people like they are possessions . People have to do it of free will from a mental loving loved state. You cannot  force the way a person is the way you want them to be ,you cant force someone's mistakes to be overnight rights or lessons that's not how individuals grow. Everything in life is a journey and process you grow at the pace and place you are in your life . Have you ever found yourself trying to change someone and why?


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