Why Aren't You Following Your Dreams?

Are you following what you want to do in life? Are you truly pursuing what it is you always wanted to do? Or are you doing what others want you do? Are you trying to please others instead yourself? What makes you happy? What is your passion? Everyday you get up you should get up with pride and gratitude no matter what kind of day it is , No matter what kind of day you are having. Do you believe in the Law Of Attraction? Have you ever worked hard at something you wanted and spoke things within yourself that it will come? If only you continued to take pride in the way you do things, If not you should. You will be surprise the things we speak into the universe and don't realize how we all manifest those things. When we are mad we say things ,when we are happy, when we have conversations amongst each other, when we wish for things, when we have arguments . The tongue is a powerful tool, the things we do and say comes back to us. It can either effect us in a positive way or n...