Can You Relate To Hurt Bae?

I wanted to post this because this video had surfaced the internet and it got a lot of heated responses from women. And not many women was somewhat proud or happy to watch this. But in reality a lot of women have felt this pain or stayed with a man due to the history. A lot of women related to this and I would like some general feedback on how it made you feel listening and watching the young lady express herself and how it made you feel when her ex shared his feelings as well. I would like to see you guys response before I get into talking about this,  I want to see you guys reactions and responses so I can further understand how others took it and if you took this from an emotional stand point because you been her or him before or if actually you didn't comment off emotions. Here this post is for my viewers me learning your thought process on this particular relatable situation. I'll respond and   give you guys my feedback from your comments.


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